Thursday 6 October 2011

Principles of Leadership | Strategic Planning

?The only real training for leadership is leadership? ? as quoted by Antony Jay! Leadership is a give and take process. To be a leader you have to give your efforts, must possess that desire and will power to become an effective leader and have the ability to direct the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. However, leadership development is not inborn it is a process which is learned through various leadership programs and coaching. Leadership plays a vital role for the success of any organizations. Hence, here are the following principles that one should consider in order to know, do and be a competent leader: ? Seek Self ?Improvement: It is very necessary for a leader to understand his or her knows, do and be attributes. For self ? improvement one should continually strengthen its attributes and put efforts to polish its skills.

This can be accomplished through various leadership development trainings and programs. ? Be Technically Proficient: Being a leader, you should understand your responsibilities well and have a solid knack to be updated with the different task performed by your team members. ? Take Responsibility for your Actions: This is one of the crucial factors that a leader should know. A leader should have a sense of responsibility to take his/her organization at heights and if at all some things go wrong then he/ she should be quick enough to analyze the situation, take corrective action, and move on to the next challenge. ? Make Sound and Timely Decision: It is very much important for a leader to take right decisions at the right time. As it will decide on to the company?s progress. He or she must posses the problem solving ability and have smart skills of planning and decision making. ? Crisp Communication with the Team Members: As a leader, you should make sure that your team members are updated with the necessary information as it affects the overall productivity of the organization. Also, see to it that the communication levels amongst the team members are good. These are some the principles that you should keep in mind to be a competent leader. The Injazat Institute is one of the well known leadership training institute in the UAE. They provide various leadership developments programstraining services to become a successful leader! and

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