Saturday 11 February 2012

7 Foods Anti-Prostate Cancer | Natural Remedy And Medicine ...

February 11, 2012 By: Natural Remedies And Medicine Alternative Category: Health Articles

Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor composed of cells of the prostate gland. The disease is the second largest cause of death in men after lung cancer.

But you need not worry, some studies have shown that some foods can affect your risk of prostate cancer, and even slow down its development though you already have it. So, what foods in nature that can fight prostate cancer? The following is a discussion on:

A. Tomato and its derivatives

If the color pink (pink ribbon) symbolizes the fight against breast cancer, the red color may be a symbol for fighting prostate cancer. Terkadung an antioxidant in tomatoes, called lycopene may help prevent or slow the growth of prostate cancer.

In performing its duties, lycopene works by preventing the damaging free radical activity in the cells, including in the DNA. DNA damage can cause healthy cells turn into cancer. A new study suggests diet and lifestyle habits of 50,000 men, who eat at least two servings of tomato sauce a week may cut their risk of prostate cancer by 23 percent.

2. Tofu, soy milk and other soy products

Tofu and soy foods contain other estrogen-like compounds called isoflavones. This substance has the function as an inhibitor of cancer cell growth and may even destroy cancer cells themselves.

The study, conducted over three months in Cander Research Center of Hawaii found that the risk the possibility of someone suffering from prostate cancer fell by 14 percent in men who ate two servings of soy per day.

Meanwhile, another study involving 12,000 men conducted at Loma Linda University in California found that men who consume more than one serving of soy milk every day, 70 percent less prostate cancer than men who never drank.

3. Green tea

A study showed a strong compound in green tea called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) can block the process of cancer development. The study population claimed, these compounds may be protective of some cancers, including prostate, stomach, colon, and breast. Even a study in China found that men who drank more than three cups of green tea every day, can reduce the risk of prostate cancer more than 70 percent.

4. Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice is full of natural chemicals called polyphenols. It is a powerful antioxidant, and for that reason why pomegranate juice is said to be good enough in the fight against cancer. Some early studies showed that polyphenols in the juice appears to slow the growth of cancer cells and promote cancer cells to kill themselves.

5. Salmon, mackerel, sardines and other fatty fish

Eating some types of fish can protect your prostate. A study conducted by scientists from Sweden to more than 6,000 men (observed for 30 years) found that those with diets rich in omega 3 fatty acids in moderate amounts, has a 30 percent lower risk of prostate cancer.

Note: Try to get the essential fatty acids from food, not pills. So far the study showed that consumption of fish may protect the prostate, but not to those who took fish oil supplements.

6. Broccoli, cabbage and other vegetables

Vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage contain some anti-cancer compounds that help rid the body of substances that can damage cells in the body. Data from the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study showed that eating five or more servings of vegetables a week can lower your risk of prostate cancer by 20 percent.

7. Garlic

Despite a less smelly odor in the mouth, but the garlic and other various types of onions may help prevent tumors by eliminating carcinogens before they damage cells. Onions also can encourage cancer cells to destroy themselves.

Researchers from the National Cancer Institute found that those who ate at least 10 grams of garlic or onion every day can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 49 percent. In fact, men who consumed at least five cloves of garlic a week can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 53 percent.


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