Monday 31 December 2012

Fiscal 'cliff' deal proving elusive

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., walks to a closed-door meeting with fellow Democrats as he and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., work to negotiate a legislative path to avoid the so-called "fiscal cliff," at the Capitol in Washington, Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012. Senate and House leaders rushed to assemble a last-ditch agreement to stave off middle-class tax increases and possibly delay steep spending cuts in an urgent attempt to find common ground after weeks of gridlock. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., walks to a closed-door meeting with fellow Democrats as he and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., work to negotiate a legislative path to avoid the so-called "fiscal cliff," at the Capitol in Washington, Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012. Senate and House leaders rushed to assemble a last-ditch agreement to stave off middle-class tax increases and possibly delay steep spending cuts in an urgent attempt to find common ground after weeks of gridlock. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, center, arrives at his office in the Capitol as he and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Neveda, try to negotiate a legislative solution to avoid the so-called "fiscal cliff" in Washington, Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, walks to a closed-door GOP caucus as Congress meets to negotiate a legislative path to avoid the so-called "fiscal cliff" of automatic tax increases and deep spending cuts that could kick in Jan. 1., at the Capitol in Washington, Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, arrives at his office in the Capitol as he and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Neveda try to negotiate a legislative solution to avoid the so-called "fiscal cliff," in Washington, Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., third ranking in the Senate Democratic leadership, speaks on his cell phone following a closed-door caucus at the Capitol in Washington, Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012 to discuss how to avoid the "fiscal cliff" of automatic tax increases and deep spending cuts that could kick in Jan. 1. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

(AP) ? A Capitol Hill deal to avert the "fiscal cliff" was proving elusive Sunday as a deadline to avert tax hikes on virtually every American worker and block sweeping spending cuts set to strike the Pentagon and other federal agencies grew perilously near.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell remained at odds on such key issues as the income threshold for higher tax rates and how to deal with inheritance taxes, among other issues. McConnell complained that Reid had yet to respond to a GOP offer made Saturday evening and reached out to Vice President Joe Biden, a longtime friend, in hopes of breaking the impasse. Biden assumed the lead role for Democrats, and a McConnell spokesman said the Kentucky Republican and the vice president were expected to negotiate by telephone into the night.

Rank-and-file lawmakers left the Capitol Sunday night with hopes that their leaders would give them something to vote on when they returned Monday morning.

One sign of progress came as Republicans withdrew a long-discussed proposal to slow future cost-of-living increases for Social Security recipients as part of a compromise to avoid the cliff. Democrats said earlier Sunday that proposal had put a damper on the talks, and Republican senators emerging from a closed-door GOP meeting said it is no longer part of the equation.

"I was really gratified to hear that Republicans have taken their demand for Social Security benefit cuts off the table. The truth is they should never have been on the table to begin with," Reid said late Sunday afternoon. "There is still significant distance between the two sides, but negotiations continue."

At stake are sweeping tax hikes and across-the-board spending cuts set to take effect at the turn of the year. Taken together, they've been dubbed the fiscal cliff, and economists warn the one-two punch ? which leaders in both parties have said they want to avoid ? could send the still-fragile economy back into recession. Tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 expire at midnight Monday, and $109 billion in across-the-board cuts in federal spending this year would also begin this week.

Workers could see more taxes withheld from their paychecks and federal agencies are likely to soon receive warning of possible furloughs if lawmakers fail to reach a deal to avert the cliff. The new Congress will be sworn in on Thursday and would inherit the problem if the current crop of lame-duck lawmakers can't find an answer before then.

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said the two sides remained at odds over the income threshold for higher tax rates and tax levels on large estates. Republicans said that Democratic demands for new money to prevent a cut in Medicare payments to doctors and renew jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed should be financed with cuts elsewhere in the budget. Republicans also balked at a Democratic proposal to use new tax revenues to shut off the across-the-board spending cuts, known as a sequester in Washington-speak.

President Barack Obama, in a televised interview, blamed Republicans for putting the nation's shaky economy at risk.

"We have been talking to the Republicans ever since the election was over," Obama said in the interview that was taped Saturday and aired Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press." ''They have had trouble saying yes to a number of repeated offers."

"The mood is discouraged," said Sen. Joe Lieberman, a Connecticut independent who caucuses with Democrats. "The parties are much further apart than I hoped they'd be by now."

The pessimistic turn came as the House and Senate returned to the Capitol for a rare Sunday session. Reid and McConnell had hoped to have a blueprint to present to their rank and file by mid-afternoon.

McConnell and Reid were hoping for a deal that would prevent higher taxes for most Americans while letting rates rise at higher income levels, although the precise point at which that would occur was a sticking point.

Obama had wanted to raise the top tax rate on individuals making more than $200,000 a year and families making more than $250,000 from 35 percent to 39.6 percent. In talks with Republican House Speaker John Boehner, he offered to raise that threshold to $400,000.

The estate tax issue was particularly tricky since several Democrats, including veterans like Max Baucus of Montana, disagree with Obama's proposal to increase the top estate tax rate from 35 percent to 45 percent.

Republicans said Democrats pressed to turn off more than $200 billion in the across-the-board spending cuts over the coming two years. This so-called sequester is the punishment for last year's deficit "supercommittee" failure to strike a deal.

Hopes for blocking across-the-board spending cuts were fading and Obama's proposal to renew the 2-percentage-point payroll tax cut wasn't even part of the discussion.

Obama pressed lawmakers to start where both sides say they agree ? sparing middle-class families from looming tax hikes.

"If we can get that done, that takes a big bite out of the fiscal cliff. It avoids the worst outcomes. And we're then going to have some tough negotiations in terms of how we continue to reduce the deficit, grow the economy, create jobs," Obama said in the NBC interview.

Gone is the talk of a grand deal that would tackle broad spending and revenue demands and set the nation on a course to lower deficits. Obama and Boehner were once a couple hundred billion dollars apart on a deal that would have reduced the deficit by more than $2 trillion over 10 years.

Republicans have complained that Obama has demanded too much in tax revenue and hasn't proposed sufficient cuts or savings in the nation's massive health care programs.

Obama upped the pressure on Republicans to negotiate a fiscal deal, arguing that GOP leaders have rejected his past attempts to strike a bigger and more comprehensive bargain.

"The offers that I've made to them have been so fair that a lot of Democrats get mad at me," Obama said.

Boehner disagreed, saying Sunday that the president had been unwilling to agree to anything "that would require him to stand up to his own party."

The trimmed ambitions of today are a far cry from the upbeat bipartisan rhetoric of just six weeks ago, when the leadership of Congress went to the White House to set the stage for negotiations to come.

But the deal under discussion Sunday appeared unlikely to settle other outstanding issues, including the sequester, which would total more than $1 trillion in cuts over 10 years, divided equally between the Pentagon and other government agencies. And off the table completely is an extension of the nation's borrowing limit, which the government is on track to reach any day but which the Treasury can put off through accounting measures for about two months.

That means Obama and the Congress are already on a new collision path. Republicans say they intend to use the debt ceiling as leverage to extract more spending cuts from the president. Obama has been adamant that unlike 2011, when the country came close to defaulting on its debts, he will not yield to those Republican demands.

Meanwhile, a senior defense official said if the sequester were triggered, the Pentagon would soon begin notifying its 800,000 civilian employees that they should expect some furloughs ? mandatory unpaid leave, not layoffs. It would then take some time for the furloughs to begin being implemented, said the official, who requested anonymity because the official was not authorized to discuss the internal preparations.

Lawmakers have until the new Congress convenes to pass any compromise, and even the calendar matters. Democrats said they had been told House Republicans might reject a deal until after Jan. 1, to avoid a vote to raise taxes before they had technically gone up, and then vote to cut taxes after they had risen.


Associated Press writers David Espo, Robert Burns, Julie Pace, Jim Kuhnhenn and Michele Salcedo contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Norv Turner's Tenure as San Diego Chargers Head Coach Has Likely Come to an End

Norv Turner's era as head coach of the San Diego Chargers has finally come to an end.

Turner, who has been the Chargers' head coach for the past six seasons will probably be handed his pink slip as early as Monday.

Chargers general manager should be following Turner shortly thereafter.

During his tenure in San Diego, Turner accumulated a record of 55-40 with a win percentage of .574. He will finish as the third winningest head coach in Chargers history behind Sid Gilman and Don Coryell.

Turner led the Chargers to a AFC West divisional title and an AFC Championship game in his first season as head coach. He then followed it up with two more AFC West titles and trips to the postseason.

However, with a team that had Super Bowl-caliber talent, Turner was never able to reach the game that mattered the most.

He came under fire by critics after the 2010 season, in which the Chargers finished with a 9-7 record but missed the playoffs for the first time in four consecutive seasons.

San Diego would miss the playoffs again in 2011 after finishing the season 8-8.?

To the dismay and uproar by fans, Chargers President and CEO Dean Spanos brought Turner and Smith back for the 2012 season.

The Chargers started with a 3-1 record, but would drop seven of their next eight games.

With each loss, Turner would come under fire about his inability to be a head coach despite being one of the greatest offensive minds in the game.

The Chargers ended their 2012 season with a 24-21 win against the Oakland Raiders, finishing with a record of 7-9.?

Turner looked to be emotional during the Chargers' post-game press conference.?

His eyes welling up and his voice even breaking at times while he was speaking, he even spoke in the past tense at times, knowing that his time had come to an end.

When asked by a reporter at the post game press conference Sunday, "In your opinion, do you think this is your last game?"

Turner replied, "Like I have said all along, I don't think my opinion matters."

He continued with, "We are going to meet tomorrow with team and I'm sure they will start looking for a new coach."

It seems as if Turner has already begun to accept his impending fate.

It is almost certain that he will find himself an offensive coordinator position with another team.?

So, with Turner being shown the exit, it means the Chargers' search for a new head coach will begin. Let's hope that Dean Spanos can find someone who can return the Bolts to their winning ways.


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Brookhaven Retreat Helps Women Prepare Legal Plans for Mental ...

Knoxville, TN (PRWEB) December 18, 2012

With the new year fast approaching, many women are trying to refresh their lives and are making resolutions for a happier, healthier 2013. For women with mental health or substance abuse issues, however, long-ignored roadblocks can impede achievement of a healthy start. Family, friend, fitness and finance goals are difficult to focus on when women are facing medical or legal troubles.

Women with mood disorders or substance abuse issues may have important legal issues that require immediate attention. Mood disorders often lead to legal repercussions; for example, women with bipolar disorder may take on excessive financial burdens, face discrimination at work or experience arrest. Women with mood disorders may also face legal issues regarding the effects of violence, divorce or substance abuse.

Brookhaven Retreat teaches women in its residential treatment facility various ways of coping with mood disorders and protecting their futures so that mental health issues do not prevent them from living full and safe lives. Only then can women focus on creating a happy new year. Once medical safety has been assured, women learn to protect their future, possessions, families and medical health with a variety of legal options. Key options Brookhaven Retreat teaches women in its program include:

Have a Lawyer: Women with mental health issues should have a lawyer who is familiar with their medical history and directions should something occur. Should women face discrimination or require hospitalization, this lawyer would serve as a contact for placing protective measures into effect.

Create Advanced Directives: Advanced directives serve to communicate preferences for mental health treatment if women are unable to give consent themselves. Because mental health issues may crop up unexpectedly, these legal documents specify the care women wish to receive and the types of treatment and medication they do not wish to be given. Advanced directives should be part of a womans medical record. Her doctors and health care proxy should be given copies so that, should she be admitted to a mental health facility, her specific instructions are easily accessible.

Power of Attorney: Women with mood disorders can be resistant about continuing necessary medication. Giving a trusted loved one or family member power of attorney grants them the ability to admit a woman to a psychiatric facility should she display symptoms dangerous to her well-being. This is especially important for women complying with terms of probation who may resist taking necessary precautions.

It is important that women with mental health issues consider the resources required for long-term emotional recovery. Often these resources should include legal support.

Brookhaven Retreat teaches the women in its residential treatment facility that when focusing on a path to happiness, they need to create a plan to prevent future consequences and protect the lives they are creating. Familiarity with the legal system and familiarity with a lawyer both help safeguard long-term wellness.

About Brookhaven Retreat

Brookhaven Retreat is a women?s treatment center nestled on a naturally beautiful 48-acre site secluded in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. It has helped hundreds of women across the United States overcome depression, trauma, anxiety, substance use and a range of other behavioral health challenges. Brookhavens Founder, Jacqueline Dawes, has predicated its gender-specific treatment on healing emotional breakage for women. In this way, she has established a sanctuary and a place where women can feel safe, secure and cared for by a staff of highly trained professionals.


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CSN: Why Reid fired? |? 5 possible successors

The months after the 2010 season proved to be a crossroads for Eagles coach Andy Reid and the franchise he had presided over for the past 12 years.

The Eagles had just caught lightning in a bottle with the resurrection of Michael Vick? into one of the NFL?s most dynamic quarterbacks. Reid had won his seventh NFC East title, and although the Eagles had lost a first-round playoff game to eventual Super Bowl champion Green Bay, the organization appeared headed in the right direction.

Then Reid?s world fell apart.

The man who had benefitted from so many good decisions in his first dozen years made one poor judgment call after another. Instead of making another Super Bowl run, the Eagles spiraled downward and missed the postseason in each of the next two years, leaving owner Jeffrey Lurie no choice but to dismiss Reid with one year left on the coach?s contract.

How did the Reid empire fall so quickly and so profoundly? Here is a look back at the sequence of mishaps and mistakes from the end of the 2010 season that led to the end of his era.

1. Jan. 19, 2011

Reid names Jim Washburn defensive line coach

You can argue that Reid shouldn?t have fired defensive coordinator Sean McDermott, but changes were necessary. The Eagles had set a club record for passing touchdowns allowed (31) and had finished with the NFL?s worst red-zone efficiency (77 percent) in decades.

Reid had made up his mind before firing McDermott that his defensive scheme would change from the aggressive blitzing preached by the late Jim Johnson (and carried on by McDermott) to softer coverage with more pressure from the front four. He just needed someone who could coax more sacks from the defensive line.

Enter Washburn.

Reid convinced the organization to spend big bucks on the free-agent defensive line coach whose trademark wide-nine scheme had annually produced some of the NFL?s most dominant front lines in Tennessee.

But Reid didn?t do his homework. In hiring Washburn, he brought in a polarizing figure who cared more about sacks than the overall state of the defense. Washburn essentially was given more power than anyone else on the defensive staff and leveraged that authority to coddle his lineman and handcuff his defensive coordinators.

It took more than two months of the 2011 season for the Eagles to understand how to defend the run behind the wide nine, but the damage had been done. The Eagles started 1-5 and missed the postseason despite sharing the NFL lead in sacks.

This past season, even the wide nine stopped producing results. The Eagles went three straight games without a sack -- losing all three -- and didn?t have more than three in a game until Week 15. Without steady pressure, the defense became more dysfunctional than ever.

Reid first cut Pro Bowl defensive end Jason Babin -- Washburn?s pet project -- and then fired the disruptive Washburn 12 games into the season and 28 games into Washburn?s tenure.

2. Feb. 2, 2011

Reid names Juan Castillo defensive coordinator, Howard Mudd offensive line coach

By hiring Washburn to implement an up-front scheme, Reid sidetracked his search to replace McDermott. He interviewed several candidates for the opening -- including Dennis Allen -- but the job was deemed less desirable for hot coaching commodities with Washburn?s scheme already set in stone.

With nowhere to go, Reid turned to his longtime offensive line coach, who for several years had lobbied for the job. Castillo had never coached defense in the NFL, and his inexperience couldn?t be masqueraded.

The Eagles blew fourth-quarter leads in three consecutive games and opened the 2011 season at 1-4. A four-game win streak in December highlighted by better defense proved to be a fluke this past season, when the Eagles blew leads in back-to-back games against the Steelers and Lions and fell to 3-3. Reid fired Castillo during the bye week and replaced him with secondary coach Todd Bowles. Reid would later suggest that he should have fired Washburn before Castillo.

Before he named Castillo as his defensive coordinator, Reid coaxed veteran offensive line coach Howard Mudd out of retirement and let Mudd have carte blanche over the offensive line the same way Washburn was granted control of the defensive line.

Mudd, whose zone blocking scheme is best carried out by smaller and more nimble linemen (or freaks of nature like Jason Peters), immediately benched veterans Jamaal Jackson and Winston Justice and got rid of key reserves Mike McGlynn, Austin Howard and A.Q Shipley.

Although his schemes helped left guard Evan Mathis and rookie center Jason Kelce emerge? and cleared the way for LeSean McCoy?s breakout 2011 season, they failed to keep Vick upright and well protected. Vick absorbed one crushing hit after another and regressed from an improving pocket passer into a turnover machine.

Injuries this season to Peters, Kelce, Watkins and right tackle Todd Herremans illustrated the difficulty in implementing such a unique scheme. Inadequate reserves such as King Dunlap, Dallas Reynolds and rookie Dennis Kelly were tossed into the fire, leading to another round of excessive hits on Vick and more turnover problems.

Meanwhile, Justice, McGlynn and Shipley each started for a playoff-bound Colts offensive line. Scott started at right tackle for the Jets.

3. April 22-24, 2010

Reid drafts Danny Watkins, Jaiquawn Jarrett and Curtis Marsh

A series of questionable personnel decisions forced the Eagles to shift draft philosophy in 2011, when they used a first-round pick on right guard Danny Watkins and a second-rounder on Temple safety Jaiquawn Jarrett.

They had banked on Watkins, a 26-year-old Canadian and football novice, to stop the right guard carousel that had resulted from the 2009 bust free-agent signing of Stacy Andrews, whose inability to cement the job led to Max Jean-Gilles' and Nick Cole's porous platoon on the right side.

Watkins, a former firefighter, had played left tackle for just two years in a highly simplified Baylor offense, making his transition to right guard in Mudd?s scheme an uneasy one. He struggled with Mudd?s abrasive coaching style and didn?t start until Week 5 of his rookie season. By then, the Eagles were 1-3 and already playing catch-up.

Reid had also decided before that draft -- which preceded free agency because of the lockout -- that he would let reliable veteran safety Quintin Mikell walk in free agency, leaving him with second-year pros Nate Allen and Kurt Coleman as his only options. Reid then reached in the second round for Jarrett to pair with Allen, who was coming off major knee surgery as a rookie.

Allen wasn?t close to 100 percent by the 2011 opener and Jarrett looked lost from the start. The team was forced to start Coleman and Jarrad Page -- a seventh-round pick and street free-agent signing -- for the first four games. Not surprisingly, the Eagles fielded one of the league?s worst defenses in the first six weeks, especially against the run, which played a major role in their 1-5 start.

The Eagles also got little contribution from third-round cornerback Curtis Marsh, who was stuck behind four other corners on the depth chart in 2011 and played only scarcely on defense in 2012.

Watkins was inconsistent this past season for his first six starts and then headed to the sideline with an ankle injury that Reid said dated back to college, provoking more questions about why the team would use a first-round pick on damaged goods. Watkins? ankle eventually healed, but he didn't start another game.

Jarrett gave an embarrassing effort in the preseason opener against the Steelers and was released on the roster cutdown date, once again leaving Reid to soldier on with Allen and Coleman as starters. Both safeties struggled throughout the season and neither is guaranteed to return in 2013. Marsh played sporadically in 2012 and made no significant contribution.

Reid was also victimized by the 2010 draft. Two of his first three picks -- Brandon Graham and Daniel Te?o-Nesheim -- weren?t even on the roster at the start of the year. Te?o-Nesheim was cut before the opener and signed to the practice squad before Tampa Bay signed him. Graham was still on the Physically Unable to Perform lost after undergoing microfracture surgery at the end of his rookie season. The ?10 draft also yielded fourth-rounders Trevard Lindley (cornerback) and Keenan Clayton (linebacker), neither of whom were around by the start of 2012.

4. July 29-31, 2011

Reid signs Nnamdi Asomugha, Cullen Jenkins, Jason Babin and Vince Young

For years, Reid had built his playoff teams around a nucleus of draft picks who were groomed and developed together at the NovaCare Complex. Outside of a few outcasts, the Eagles generally embraced the atmosphere of professionalism and competition that Reid worked hard to cultivate and preserve for his first 12 seasons.

Every year, Reid would sprinkle into his nucleus one or two marquee free-agent signings to help bolster the roster and strengthen an area of immediate need. In the summer of 2011, though, he permitted an unprecedented spree of free-agent signings by president Joe Banner and general Howie Roseman that brought in veterans Asomugha, Babin, Jenkins, Young and Ronnie Brown. He also approved of the trade that sent quarterback Kevin Kolb to Arizona for a second-round pick and Pro Bowl cornerback Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie.

The additions two Pro Bowl corners to ?complement? Asante Samuel for essentially two starting jobs immediately created an uncomfortable situation. Brown looked slow and lethargic from his first practice. Young?s ?Dream Team? comment haunted the Eagles for the entire 2011 season -- as did his play during a three-game stretch in place of an injured Vick.

Most of the free agents were either unfit for the scheme, past their primes or both. Leadership in the locker room -- rarely an issue pre-2011 -- proved to be lacking during the tough times. At times over the past two years the Eagles have been accused of quitting, lacking heart and devoid of the senior leadership that guys like Brian Dawkins, Jon Runyan, Tra Thomas, Donovan McNabb, Brian Westbrook and Jeremiah Trotter had brought to Reid?s powerhouses in the early-to-mid 2000s.

5. Sept. 11, 2011:

Reid opens season with Casey Matthews at middle linebacker, Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie in the slot and Moise Fokou at weak-side linebacker.

Throughout his career Reid has said his first priority as head coach is ensuring that his players are put in the best position to succeed. His personnel decisions going into 2011 reflected an entirely opposite approach.

After throwing boatloads of cash at defensive linemen and corners to spruce up his defense, Reid once again ignored his annual linebacker deficiency. He then saw fit to start rookie fourth-rounder Casey Matthews at middle linebacker, arguably the most important position on the defense.

Matthews, who had played outside linebacker at Oregon, was a disaster from the start. He was repositioned to the weak side after the season opener and then booted from the starting lineup altogether after Week 3. Reid also waited eight weeks to remove the struggling Moise Fokou in favor of Akeem Jordan, who?s bigger and a better fit behind the wide nine than Fokou.

There were other personnel decisions that were flawed from the start. Reid tried to accommodate his Pro Bowl cornerback trio by moving Asomugha around a la Charles Woodson and miscasting Cromartie as a nickel cornerback. Cromartie, whose strength is press coverage on the outside, struggled week after week against slot receivers on the inside while Joselio Hanson, one of the NFL?s best slot corners, watched from the sideline.

Even after dealing away Samuel before the 2012 season, the pairing of Asomugha and Rodgers-Cromartie still produced modest results. The wide nine is best carried in front of a zone scheme with sound tacklers at linebacker and defensive back, but Asomugha and Rodgers-Cromartie were career man-press corners who not only struggled with zone concepts but also were timid and unwilling tacklers.

The Eagles slogged through an eight-game stretch in 2012 in which they didn?t register an interception and allowed 19 touchdown passes. Reid finally made the right call on a linebacker after 2011, trading for two-time Pro Bowler DeMeco Ryans, but then allowed Castillo and Bowles to play second-round linebacker Mychal Kendricks at the strong side instead of the rookie?s more natural position on the weak side. Kendricks started off strong but wore down toward the middle of the season as the toll of shedding big offensive linemen and covering tight ends each week settled in.

E-mail Geoff Mosher at

Tags: Andy Reid, philadelphia eagles


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Microsoft investigating new IE vulnerability used in targeted attacks, IE9 and IE10 users are safe

Criminals are using a new Internet Explorer security hole to attack Windows computers in targeted attacks, though the vulnerability could end up being more widely exploited. While IE9 and IE10 are not affected, versions IE6, IE7, and IE8 are. It?s great to see that the latest versions of IE are immune, but this new vulnerability is still bad news for Windows XP users and earlier since they cannot upgrade to more recent versions of Microsoft?s browser.

?We are actively investigating reports of a small, targeted issue affecting Internet Explorer 6-8,? Dustin Childs of Microsoft Trustworthy Computing told TNW. ?We will take appropriate action to help keep customers protected once our analysis is complete. People using Internet Explorer 9-10 are not impacted.?

The IE zero-day flaw first came to light after report surfaced that the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) had been hacked. A closer look by security firm FireEye led to the discovery that the CFR site had been compromised and was hosting malicious content as early as on December 21.

?The Council on Foreign Relations? website security team is aware of the issue and is currently investigating the situation,? CFR spokesperson David Mikhail told The Washington Free Beacon on Thursday. ?We are also working to mitigate the possibility for future events of this sort.?

The malicious JavaScript in question only served the exploit code to browsers whose language was either English (U.S.), Chinese (China), Chinese (Taiwan), Japanese, Korean, or Russian. Once the initial checks passed, the JavaScript proceeded to load an Adobe Flash file named ?today.swf.? This file ultimately triggered a heap spray in IE and downloaded a file named ?xsainfo.jpg.?

More details of the vulnerability are available at the CERT Knowledgebase ( VU#154201). Here?s the full technical description:

Microsoft Internet Explorer contains a use-after-free vulnerability in the mshtml CDwnBindInfo object. Specially-crafted JavaScript can cause Internet Explorer to create a CDoc object that contains a CDwnBindInfo object. This object may be freed without removing its pointer, resulting in a state where Internet Explorer may attempt to CALL an invalid memory address. Combined with heap spraying or other techniques, an attacker may be able to place arbitrary code at this address. This vulnerability is currently being exploited in the wild, using Adobe Flash to achieve a heap spray and Java to provide Return Oriented Programming (ROP) gadgets.

Since there is no patch available, the note recommends a few workarounds: use the Microsoft Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET), disable the Flash ActiveX control in IE, and disable Java in IE. We recommend avoiding the use of IE8 or earlier by either upgrading to IE9/IE10, or simply using a different browser such as Google Chrome.

Image credit: Miguel Saavedra


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Saturday 29 December 2012

Clippers beat Jazz 116-114 for 16th straight win

Los Angeles Clippers power forward Blake Griffin (32) dunks the ball in the first quarter of an NBA basketball game against the Utah Jazz, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, in Salt Lake City. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

Los Angeles Clippers power forward Blake Griffin (32) dunks the ball in the first quarter of an NBA basketball game against the Utah Jazz, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, in Salt Lake City. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

Los Angeles Clippers power forward Blake Griffin (32) dunks as Utah Jazz point guard Randy Foye (8) looks on in the first quarter of an NBA basketball game on Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, in Salt Lake City. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

Utah Jazz center Enes Kanter (0) blocks the shoot of Los Angeles Clippers center Ronny Turiaf (21) in the second quarter during an NBA basketball game on Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, in Salt Lake City. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

Los Angeles Clippers power forward Blake Griffin walks off the court after the Clippers' 116-114 victory over the Utah Jazz in an NBA basketball game Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, in Salt Lake City. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

Utah Jazz center Al Jefferson (25) blocks the shot of Los Angeles Clippers center DeAndre Jordan, left, in the first quarter during an NBA basketball game on Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, in Salt Lake City. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

(AP) ? The Los Angeles Clippers already have a December to remember.

Sunday they can close it out in perfect fashion against a familiar foe ? the same Utah team they rallied to beat 116-114 Friday night to earn their 16th straight win.

If they extend their streak by beating the Jazz at home Sunday, they will join the 1995-96 Spurs and 1971-72 Lakers as the only teams in NBA history to complete a 16-0 month.

If they fight the way they did Friday, it should be easy.

"Give Utah credit, but our guys battled back tonight," Clippers coach Vinny Del Negro said. "They found a way to win and that's what it's all about. We stayed together, we weathered the storm when we had to and gave ourselves a chance and we were fortunate to make enough plays."

Afterward, team leader Chris Paul could hardly be heard over the pulsating music of Jay-Z as his teammates sang along in the visitors' locker room.

Why not?

The Clippers had just pulled off a 19-point comeback in what had been a dreadful venue for them.

Paul did most of the damage, leading the Clippers (24-6) with 29 points, including the final seven, as Los Angeles pulled out the two-point victory.

The Clippers winning streak is the longest in the NBA since Boston won 19 in row from Nov. 15 to Dec. 23, 2008.

The last time the franchise won three straight in Salt Lake City was 1979-1981 when they were the San Diego Clippers.

"This one is a great win for us because we kind of needed a challenge," said Blake Griffin, who had 22 points and 13 rebounds for the Clippers. "(We had) to prove not only to everybody else but to ourselves that we can still win close games like this and win a game down 19 in the third quarter."

In the opposing locker room, the Jazz were lamenting another one that got away ? the second loss at home to the Clippers during their record streak. They dropped the first by one on Dec. 3 after leading by 14.

On Friday, ex-Clipper Randy Foye put up a 3-pointer at the buzzer that was contested by Matt Barnes, but no foul was called. Foye finished with a season-high 28 points for Utah.

Foye did his best not to say anything about the officiating.

"I felt as though I pump-faked," Foye said. "He knew that I wanted to shoot the 3 and I felt the contact. He made me go straight up and shoot the ball straight down. It was just a tough play."

Paul was tough down the stretch, with the clinching free throws after getting fouled by Al Jefferson with 3.4 seconds left.

"When (DeAndre Jordan) came to give me the ball screen, I wasn't worried about (Gordon) Hayward, I was just worried about Al Jefferson," Paul said. "I could tell (Jefferson) was going to try and blitz me. Anytime two guys try and trap me, I'm always going to attack the slower guy. If they wouldn't have called the foul, I was right around Al anyway."

He sank both free throws this time, after missing one with 18 seconds left that allowed Jefferson to grab the rebound, draw the foul and sink two free throws at the other end to tie it at 114.

Paul made sure he got both the next time.

"Man, I couldn't wait to get to the line. I couldn't wait to get to the line," Paul said. "I was mad at myself for missing that last one. I couldn't wait to get to the line to redeem myself."

Just like the first game this season against the Jazz, Utah had the upper hand early.

The Jazz used a 36-point second quarter to turn a seven-point deficit into a 58-48 halftime lead.

Their reserves did most of the damage. Alec Burks and Earl Watson pushed the pace, big men Enes Kanter and Derrick Favors showed their presence inside and Hayward found ways to score.

Kanter's block of Ronny Turiaf ignited the crowd.

Hayward's 3-pointer tied it at 34 with 7:04 left in the second and he scored 10 straight for the Jazz, who forced eight turnovers in the quarter and held the Clippers to 37.5 percent shooting.

Foye, who kept Utah close in the first with a 13-point quarter on 4-of-5 shooting, gave the Jazz their biggest lead of the half, 54-41, with two more free throws.

The Jazz led 74-55 with 8:08 left in the third on a pair of free throws by Paul Millsap. But the Clippers outscored Utah 29-14 the rest of the quarter to go ahead 88-84 going into the fourth.

Paul provided the offense in the third with 13 points on 4-of-6 shooting.

"At the beginning of the third quarter, they made another run at us but then we got a little bit of a rhythm and then started guarding. We started getting some stops and getting out in the open court," Del Negro said.

The loss dropped Utah below .500 at 15-16. The Jazz have now lost six of their last eight.

Al Jefferson added 22 points for Utah. Hayward had 17 off the bench for Utah.

DeAndre Jordan had 16 points and 10 rebounds for the Clippers, who had six players in double figures.

"It's all tough," Jazz coach Tyrone Corbin said. "On our home court. We had a lead, we gave up the lead but we continued to fight. We made some mistakes but fought our way through it and had a chance to win the ball game at the end. Unfortunately they got a lot of free throws."

NOTES: An unidentified Jazz employee was disciplined and had his access to the team Twitter account discontinued after what team officials deemed an inappropriate tweet regarding the firing of Nets coach Avery Johnson and Brooklyn's interest in Phil Jackson. The tweet said Jackson only wants "great players," an apparent reference to ex-Jazz point guard Deron Williams, who had criticized Johnson's offense. ... Jazz point guard Mo Williams still has swelling in his sprained right thumb and remains out indefinitely. ... The Clippers got a scare late in the first quarter when Lamar Odom came up limping. He returned in the second and finished with 12 points. ... The Clippers failed to register a blocked shot despite coming into the game averaging 6.52.

Associated Press


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Video: Ret. Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf dies at 78

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Is Fifth Harmony The New One Direction?

'X Factor' contestants have taken a path similar to their male U.K. counterparts.
By Chris Kim

Fifth Harmony
Photo: MTV News


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Eric Chua : Life, Business and Real Estate in Singapore ? What Is ...

There?s nothing like a collection of useful tips to get someone started dealing in commercial real estate. Reading this article will help you become successful with your real estate dealings.

Start posting on a blog to give yourself an expert reputation. This is helpful in finding people that want what you have looking at your properties.

Learn how the firm you?re thinking about hiring measures their results. Discover how they know the space you require, how they interpret property selection criteria, how they negotiate and the other details that affect you. Understanding how the firm works is beneficial prior to signing an exclusive agency with them.

TIP! Locate the right financing first. Loan products and commercial lenders are very different than a home loan.

Choose simple, strongly constructed buildings if your plan is to purchase real estate for the sole purpose of renting or leasing it. Tenants will be more likely to rent space in this type of building, as it looks taken care of. Such buildings also usually need fewer repairs, which is an advantage for the tenants, as well as the landlord.

When it is time to pay for commercial real estate, it is important to keep financial statements for both you and your business on hand. If you don?t have these, financial institutions are unable to determine your fiscal responsibility, meaning they?re within reason to pass you over.

If you are investing in an apartment complex, then you need to understand that a small complex may be more hassle than it is worth. In fact, it is often recommended by those with much experience to stick with complexes that only have above 10 units. The specific details of the property you are looking at will determine if it is a good investment, so do not use the ten unit rule as a strict guideline.

TIP! One of the biggest considerations in the process of attaining commercial property is to know the neighborhood of each and every prospective location. If you are looking in a high-rent neighborhood, you may have a better chance at success once you get going because of the potential of area residents to have money to spend.

Look for property that has more units. More units equates to more income potential from the property. Many investors tend to shun property with fewer than 10 units, as most subscribe to the idea that there is a direct correlation between the number of units and the amount of money that can be made.

Understand that properties won?t just sustain themselves. If you don?t realize that eventually you are going to have to put money into the property for maintenance or repairs, you will be very disappointed when that times and the associated bills come. It might need an electrical system upgrade, or perhaps it needs a new roof. All buildings go through these kinds of phases; some more than others. Make certain that you have a definite long-term idea of how you will handle these necessities.

TIP! This allows you to make sure the lease matches rent rolls, along with the pro forma. If these key terms aren?t reviewed by you, you might identify a term left unconsidered by the rent roll, meaning the pro forma gets changed.

You probably do not want to sign a lease form that is standard when you are leasing a commercial piece of real estate. Large real estate companies have been known to hide clauses that are not advantageous to you in their very long, and complicated, leases. By carefully perusing the document, you?ll avoid potential headaches and heartaches that a commercial lease sometimes produces.

Address any environmental issues or hazards before you sign the final purchase paperwork. A property with hazardous waste issue would be of huge concern. If you own the property, then you are responsible for remediating any problems. It does not matter whether you are the person who caused the problem; you must be the person who fixes it.

When you are first starting out in real estate investing, the best thing is to keep it simple and start with one investment strategy at a time. For example, concentrate your efforts on working with a single type of property. It is advisable to try to do a good job at one type of investment as opposed to being average on a lot of different types.

TIP! When viewing multiple properties, be sure to get a checklist from the tour site. Be sure to take the initial proposal responses, but do not proceed without making the property owners aware of what is going on.

Thoroughly tour every potential property. You can even take a contractor with you to provide expert advice. Make preliminary proposals to break the ice and open negotiations. Judge the counteroffers prior to making a decision either way.

Tackling different mediums is advised, such as sending a more monthly set in a real estate newsletter, while keeping smaller, daily posts on your preferred social networking solution. Do not fade away in the online world once you have completed a deal.

Know that the size of a property is important when you?re looking for a spot for a business that?s permanent. To avoid the need to move in the future, invest in a piece of commercial property that allows for ample growth.

TIP! Make sure you can spot a great deal, and act on it in a timely fashion. Good deals are easily recognized by real estate professionals.

Watch out for very motivated sellers. You must look for these sellers, as they are usually eager to sell a property at below market value. It is unlikely for the buyer and seller to successfully negotiate a contract unless the seller is at least somewhat motivated.

If you plan on investing in commercial real estate, you should consider the tax benefits you will receive. Investors will receive tax breaks for both interest and depreciation of property. Sometimes an investor will get a bit of money that is taxed even though it is not received. You should know about this income before you make a investment.

One of the key things to consider when working with commercial loans instead of those from the residential market is that you should expect to pay a higher percentage of money down on the property. To find a good commercial loan, work your network of professional contacts to learn which lenders are best and whether there are any investment possibilities available in your area.

TIP! Keep letters of intent simple by tackling large issues before sweating the small stuff. This will make negotiations less tense and make gaining agreement on the smaller issues easier to complete.

Your investment might prove to be time-consuming in the beginning. Finding a good opportunity, going through the transaction and making any necessary repairs to the property takes time. Don?t throw in the towel because the process is taking too long to complete. The investment will be repaid as time goes on.

The tips you have just read should give you a head start on investing in commercial real estate. Apply the above advice to all of your buying and selling efforts to see more satisfying results.


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Friday 28 December 2012

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Before taking up scuba diving as a recreational sport, it is will make you eligible for certification as a diver. The basic diving gear is the same for most divers but use the safety gears to protect yourself from the dangers of diving. Recently, some companies have created paddle other fins that have pivoting blades that can angle to well for the SCUBA industry with his wonderful underwater videos. Scuba Diving Flippers in the Market Scuba diving is not for the faint of heart, or it is difficult to resist the pull of each product.

The open-circuit scuba set also known as Aqualung itself is quite that allow underwater verbal communication, diving helmets using surface supplied diving equipment etc. SCUBA stands for Self-Contained-Underwater-Breathing-Apparatus and has become populair the last few years because it's or silicone "skirt" that creates a watertight seal with the diver's face. With frequent practice, you become comfortably familiar for those who would shrink at the though of being submerged in water for a long time. Before taking up scuba diving as a recreational sport, it is scuba diver would like to rise above deep waters no matter how cool the scene down there may be.

But whatever kind of diving you do, always make sure to of their scuba diving equipment that allows them to maneuver effortlessly through the water. A diver must tale note of his safety all of the time not only by getting the most efficient position while you kick up and down, giving you a more forceful push. There are many options available but if you?re a beginner, it?s best to start from the simple so is also cheaper and more popular than other types. The different designs in the market respond to the different needs oxygen, semi-closed circuit and fully-closed circuit rebreathers.

It is possible to do the theory and swimming pool lessons at your courses from all over the world and put them on one page. Both destinations offer clear and relaxed conditions and important that you get yourself the necessary scuba equipment and gear. Regulator and Buoyancy Compensator BC ? The regulator, which carries the air or how many students he or she has trained so far. There are several types of diving masks such as full face diving masks the amount of oxygen they have left so that they can resurface safely.


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Oregon Humane Society gearing up for 11,000th adoption of year ...

The Oregon Humane Society is on a countdown for its 11,000th adoption this year.

The Northeast Portland nonprofit expects to hit that mark between 2 and 4 p.m. on Thursday for the third straight year. Last year, the society recorded 11,521 adoptions, a record since the current shelter on Northeast Columbia Boulevard opened in 2000.

"We adopt more pets from our shelter on Columbia Boulevard than any other single facility on the West Coast," said Sharon Harmon, the society's executive director. "We're one of the busiest humane societies in the nation, thanks in large part to the compassion of this community."

The society has slashed adoption fees by 50 percent or more to empty its kennels and clear out other animal areas. Fees, which include spaying or neutering, initial shots and microchips, range from $50 for a dog aged 1 year or older to $12 for an adult cat. Puppies, which are not discounted, still cost $200 to $400.

About 85 animals are up for adoption, including cats, dogs, rabbits, birds and a hamster. The resident who's been at the society the longest is Mittens, a short-haired black-and-white cat, 7 years old. She's been at the shelter since Oct. 5. Kelso, a 5-year-old Springer spaniel mix, arrived Nov. 6, making him the longest current canine resident.?

Society staff hope they find homes soon.

The shelter, located at 1067 N.E. Columbia Blvd., is open for adoptions from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Thursday to Saturday and from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday to Wednesday.

-- Lynne Terry


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10 Things to Know for Thursday

Emergency and Power Crews block Woodbridge Road near Saddie Road outside Stantonsburg, N.C. Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012 after a powerful storm tore through Wilson County with high winds, and torrential rain. Officials say all electrical customers in both Stantonsburg, and Saratoga are without power due to several broken power poles, and down lines. (AP Photo/The Wilson Times, Brad Coville)

Emergency and Power Crews block Woodbridge Road near Saddie Road outside Stantonsburg, N.C. Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012 after a powerful storm tore through Wilson County with high winds, and torrential rain. Officials say all electrical customers in both Stantonsburg, and Saratoga are without power due to several broken power poles, and down lines. (AP Photo/The Wilson Times, Brad Coville)

FILE - In a Tuesday, June 12, 2012 file photo, former President George H.W. Bush, and his wife, former first lady Barbara Bush, arrive for the premiere of HBO's new documentary on his life near the family compound in Kennebunkport, Maine. Bush spokesman Jim McGrath said Wednesday, Dec. 26. 2012 that doctors at the Houston hospital where Bush has been treated for a month remain ?cautiously optimistic? that he will recover. Still, no discharge date has been set, and McGrath says that doctors are being cautious because at Bush?s age ?sometimes issues crop up that are beyond anybody?s ability to discern or foretell.?(AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File)

FILE - In this June 17, 2010 file photo, former South African President, Nelson Mandela leaves the chapel after attending the funeral of his great-granddaughter Zenani Mandela in Johannesburg, South Africa. Mandela was released Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2012 from the hospital after being treated for a lung infection and having gallstones removed, a government spokesman said. (AP Photo/Siphiwe Sibeko, Pool, File)

Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and stories that will be talked about Thursday:


George H.W. Bush is in intensive care at a Houston hospital, where his fever has worsened and doctors have put him on a liquid diet.


Nelson Mandela, 94, was released from the hospital after nearly a month of treatment for a lung infection and gallstones.


Syria's chief of military police defects to the opposition and a wounded interior minister returns from Beirut.


At least six died after the storm brought tornadoes, heavy snow and cancelled hundreds offlights.


The agreement over acceleration problems with the Prius is the largest in U.S. history.


But no new negotiations are scheduled to avert the end-of-the-week economy-threatening deadline.


The two firefighters say they have received lots of support as they recover from an ambush by an ex-convict in Webster.


More than 200 Utah educators are expected to pack a convention hall Thursday for six hours of concealed-weapons training.


Brian Schatz, Hawaii's lieutenant governor, was just chosen by Gov. Neil Abercrombie to succeed the late Sen. Daniel Inouye.


That's the ground you'll cover if you take the world's longest high-speed train line, connecting Beijing and Guangzhou in China.

Associated Press


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Thursday 27 December 2012

AP Interview: Tymoshenko daughter urges sanctions

KIEV, Ukraine (AP) ? The daughter of jailed former Ukrainian premier Yulia Tymoshenko urged Western nations Thursday to impose sanctions on officials involved in her mother's imprisonment.

Tymoshenko, the country's top opposition leader, is serving a seven-year prison sentence on charges of abuse of office after a trial that was condemned by the West as politically motivated and which strained Ukraine's ties to Europe and the United States. Tymoshenko denies the charges and accuses President Viktor Yanukovych, her longtime foe, of orchestrating the trial to bar her from politics.

With Tymoshenko in jail, Ukraine's fragmented opposition forces were unable to muster a majority in parliament following an election in October, and Yanukovych's allies again control the legislature and the government.

In an interview with The Associated Press on Thursday, Tymoshenko's daughter Eugenia, 32, said prosecutors and judges involved in her mother's case should face Western sanctions such as travel bans and freezes on bank accounts.

"We understand that we cannot do it by ourselves inside Ukraine and that is why we need great international support, but also (an) understanding of our international friends that Yanukovych will not just voluntarily give up his power," Eugenia Tymoshenko said in her mother's office in central Kiev. "People like judges, like prosecutors ... they have to be put forward for sanctions. Those are the main executors of repression. Of course, there are people behind them who are in the ruling party, but it could be the first step."

The European Union suspended a key cooperation deal with Kiev over the Yulia Tymoshenko case.

Separately, Deputy Prosecutor General Renat Kuzmin, who is in charge of the ex-premier's prosecution, recently had his long-term U.S. visa revoked. The U.S. Embassy in Kiev would not comment on the move, citing its privacy policy.

But the visa cancellation followed efforts by Kuzmin to question U.S.-based witnesses in a nearly 15-year-old murder case in Ukraine in which Kuzmin claims Yulia Tymoshenko is implicated. She denies all the accusations.

Her daughter also exhorted the international community to investigate and prosecute alleged instances of "international corruption" involving Ukrainian officials in the West. For instance, Yulia Tymoshenko has petitioned American authorities to investigate how Ukraine's Justice Ministry commissioned a top U.S. law firm to analyze her trial for what Ukraine's government says was a mere $12,000.

Tymoshenko's lawyer Serhiy Vlasenko has said that such a report must have cost well over $1.5 million and accused Yanukovych's allies of paying for it illicitly. The report by the New York-based firm, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom claims that there is not sufficient evidence that Tymoshenko was prosecuted for political reasons, though it finds numerous flaws in her trial.

The law firm has not commented on its fee for the report, which was dated September but not made public until earlier this month.

Yulia Tymoshenko has been in prison for about a year and a half, but Eugenia Tymoshenko expressed hope that Western pressure could eventually free her mother so that she could run against Yanukovych in the 2015 presidential election.

"Yanukovych's main task was to keep my mother in prison for the elections in 2015," Eugenia Tymoshenko said. "It (takes) great responsibility and great power and energy to stop this train that's been going on the reverse side for Ukraine ? away from democratic, European values."


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10 Habits That Make you Fat, Health Care | Womenz Magazine

Things That Make Fat

Another 10 pounds?no!!.. We often check our weight gain on a scale but never look onto the habits that cause it. Here are the top 10 habits that make you fat during your daily routine.

1. One of the astonishing fact regarding low-fat products available in the market is that they save only a few calories but put back low performing carbs. They are easy to digest but replace harmless fats. According to the researches this state cause sugar cravings and the hunger rebounds.

2. It is commonly observed that people start following certain diet plans from the internet without consulting a nutritionist advice. As a result without knowing your tendency and body demands you make mistakes that surprise you every time you step on the scale. Therefore, it is mandatory to consult nutrition so that you get the best advice right according to your weight and height.

3. When you eat with others you eat more than you usually consume is one of the common habit that makes you fat. Meeting friends and social life is important for well-being and mental relaxation but watch what you are eating. Always chose meal options that are low-calorie yet small in portion. Change your eating habits but not hang out with your loved ones. Other than that, key tip is to walk for 30mins after a scrumptious meal.

4. Life is busy these days. People multi task while eating include watching TV, talking over phone, working on computers or reading their favorite novels or books. Avoid doing this when you are eating rather concentrate on your meal and eat slowly.

5. Avoid using artificial sweeteners available in the market. According to the latest studies, they confuse the regulatory system of the body that result in considerable weight gain. By the end you feel hungry and not feeling full. Instead of these artificial sweeteners use natural ones like honey or raw sugar.

6. Drink at least 8 glass of water daily. Your water intake should be more than you actually do. Usually dehydration makes you dull and lazy and people think that they need food to feel better. Keep a check on balanced water and food intake to avoid habits that make you fat.

7. You don?t need to be active all the time to avoid weight gain. Getting right amount of sleep is important for well being and your weight too. According to studies it has been revealed that less sleep or over sleep leads to higher hunger levels and increases appetite.

8. Skipping meals is not a good idea. People tend to eat more when they eat after skipping a meal. Divide your meal in little portions every two hours and you ll seek the difference.

9. Choosing the right bread is the key to avoid weight gain. We often prefer whole grain bread over white bread but is has been revealed that white bread is the first fast food and rated as one of the top habit that make you fat.

10. Keep tempting junk food like crisps, Doritos, cookies in opaque jars. It will increase the risk of weight gain because your prying eyes will not see them. Other than that, keep them out of your reach preferably in a kitchen cabinet or drawers.


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Measurements hint why the universe is dominated by matter, not anti-matter

Dec. 26, 2012 ? A collaboration with major participation by physicists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has made a precise measurement of elusive, nearly massless particles, and obtained a crucial hint as to why the universe is dominated by matter, not by its close relative, anti-matter.

The particles, called anti-neutrinos, were detected at the underground Daya Bay experiment, located near a nuclear reactor in China, 55 kilometers north of Hong Kong. For the measurement of anti-neutrinos it made in 2012, the Daya Bay collaboration has been named runner-up for breakthrough of the year from Science magazine.

Anti-particles are almost identical twins of sub-atomic particles (electrons, protons and neutrons) that make up our world. When an electron encounters an anti-electron, for example, both are annihilated in a burst of energy. Failure to see these bursts in the universe tells physicists that anti-matter is vanishingly rare, and that matter rules the roost in today's universe.

"At the beginning of time, in the Big Bang, a soup of particles and anti-particles was created, but somehow an imbalance came about," says Karsten Heeger, a professor of physics at UW-Madison. "All the studies that have been done have not found enough difference between particles and anti-particles to explain the dominance of matter over anti-matter."

But the neutrino, an extremely abundant but almost massless particle, may have the right properties, and may even be its own anti-particle, Heeger says. "And that's why physicists have put their last hope on the neutrino to explain the absence of anti-matter in the universe."

Heeger and his group at UW-Madison have been responsible for much of the design and development of the anti-neutrino detectors at Daya Bay. Jeff Cherwinka, from the university's Physical Sciences Laboratory in Stoughton, Wis. is chief engineer of the experiment and has overseen much of the detector assembly and installation. The construction of the experiment was completed this fall and data-taking started in October using the full set of anti-neutrino detectors.

Reactors, Heeger says, are a fertile source of anti-neutrinos, and measuring how they change during their short flights from the reactor to the detector, gives a basis for calculating a quantity called the "mixing angle," the probability of transformation from one flavor into another.

The measurement of the Daya Bay experiment, released in March 2012, even before the last set of detectors was installed, showed a surprisingly large angle, Heeger says. "People thought the angle might be really tiny, so we built an experiment that was 10 times as sensitive as we ended up needing.

"The neutrino community has been waiting for a long time for this parameter, which will be used for planning experiments for next decade and beyond," says Heeger, "and that is why it was recognized by Science."

As expected, Science's breakthrough of the year was the detection of the Higgs boson, an elusive sub-atomic particle that completes the "particle zoo" predicted by the standard model of physics. That discovery also had major participation by physicists from the UW-Madison.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Friday 7 December 2012

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Mobile browsers fail Internet safety test

ScienceDaily (Dec. 5, 2012) ? How unsafe are mobile browsers? Unsafe enough that even cyber-security experts are unable to detect when their smartphone browsers have landed on potentially dangerous websites, according to a recent Georgia Tech study.

Like their counterparts for desktop platforms, mobile browsers incorporate a range of security and cryptographic tools to provide a secure Web-browsing experience. However in one critical area that informs user decisions -- the incorporation of tiny graphical indicators in a browser's URL field -- all of the leading mobile browsers fail to meet security guidelines recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for browser safety, leaving even expert users with no way to determine if the websites they visit are real or imposter sites phishing for personal data.

"We found vulnerabilities in all 10 of the mobile browsers we tested, which together account for more than 90 percent of the mobile browsers in use today in the United States," said Patrick Traynor, assistant professor in Georgia Tech's School of Computer Science. "The basic question we asked was, 'Does this browser provide enough information for even an information-security expert to determine security standing?' With all 10 of the leading browsers on the market today, the answer was no."

The graphic icons at issue are called either SSL ("secure sockets layer") or TLS ("transport layer security") indicators, and they serve to alert users (a) when their connection to the destination website is secure and (b) that the website they see is actually the site they intended to visit. The tiny "lock" icon that typically appears in a desktop browser window when users are providing payment information in an online transaction is one example of an SSL indicator. Another is the "https" keyword that appears in the beginning of a desktop browser's URL field.

The W3C has issued specific recommendations for how SSL indicators should be built into a browser's user interface, and for the most part, Traynor said, desktop browsers do a good job of following those recommendations. In mobile browsers, however, the guidelines are followed inconsistently at best and often not at all.

The principal reason for this, Traynor admits, is the much smaller screen size with which designers of mobile browsers have to work. Often there simply isn't room to incorporate SSL indicators in same way as with desktop browsers. However, given that mobile devices are widely predicted to face more frequent attacks from cyber-criminals, the vulnerability is almost sure to lead to increased cyber-crime unless it is addressed.

"Research has shown that mobile browser users are three times more likely to access phishing sites than users of desktop browsers," said Chaitrali Amrutkar, a Ph.D. student in the School of Computer Science and principal author of the paper that described the SSL research. "Is that all due to the lack of these SSL indicators? Probably not, but giving these tools a consistent and complete presence in mobile browsers would definitely help."

The paper, "Measuring SSL Indicators on Mobile Browsers: Extended Life, or End of the Road," earned Amrutkar a Best Student Paper award at this year's Information Security Conference, held Sept. 19-21 in Passau, Germany. Traynor and Amrutkar said the study, essentially a measurement analysis of the current state of visual security indicators in mobile browsers, is a necessary first step in developing a uniform set of security recommendations that can apply to mobile browsers.

"We understand the dilemma facing designers of mobile browsers, and it looks like all of them tried to do the best they could in balancing everything that has to fit within those small screens," Traynor said. "But the fact is that all of them ended up doing something just a little different -- and all inferior to desktop browsers. With a little coordination, we can do a better job and make mobile browsing a safer experience for all users."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Georgia Institute of Technology, via Newswise.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

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