Friday 6 January 2012

GOP Candidates Beg for New Hampshire Primary Voter Scrutiny (ContributorNetwork)

After the recent Iowa caucus failed to pinpoint a clear Republican frontrunner for the nomination, New Hampshire primary voters are preparing to cast their ballots on Jan. 10. The Washington Post reports that GOP candidates are working hard to leave lasting impressions with voters and groups. What are the contenders for the Republican nomination doing to get out their messages?

Rick Perry posts on Red State; blasts congressional insider trading

Piggybacking on his "America is Calling" campaign ad targeting Iowa voters, Perry continues to develop his persona of having the backs of average Americans. He penned a Red State column that expresses his disgust at the -- currently legal -- insider trading undertaken by members of Congress. Stating that he wants to ensure that insider trading leads to jail time, not enrichment, Perry continues that he has "called for making Congress part-time, like the Texas legislature, cutting congressional pay in half, and amending FOIA to apply to Congress and the White House." It is interesting to note that this candidate is not putting a lot of stock in the New Hampshire primary. His Jan. 4 tweet simply said "And the next leg of the marathon is the Palmetto State...Here we come South Carolina!!!"

Mitt Romney garners McCain endorsement; brings message of optimism

On Jan. 4, the New Hampshire Union Leader reported on the candidate's endorsement by John McCain. "Can we get more than an eight-vote margin here in New Hampshire?" Romney quipped. On Jan. 6, a guest author penned an impassioned plea on the candidate's site, urging voters to support the one candidate who "wants to lift the foot of government from the neck of American business." His "American Optimism" ad specifically targets New Hampshire voters, featuring the small-town blue-collar appeal of the candidate.

Rick Santorum courts Tea Party members

The Iowa caucus dark horse plans on taking New Hampshire with the help of the Tea Party. The campaign reported on the endorsements by State Sen. Jim Luther, who is backed by the New Hampshire Tea Party Coalition, and activist leader Shannon McGinley. How he is energizing his Tea Party supported became clearer today, when he tweeted "? Your tea party leadership in NH is helping restore the ideal of 'live free or die'."

Newt Gingrich campaigns as the one "candidate who can beat Obama"

Rather than looking for blue-collar appeal, commitment to fiscal transparency or courting Tea Party support, Gingrich seeks to identify himself as the one candidate who can successfully square off against Pres. Barack Obama. Reporting on a Thursday speech at the Plymouth Senior Center, WMUR 9 reports that Gingrich declares himself "an underdog in the race for the Republican nomination for president." While deriding Romney as a moderate, the candidate outlines that only his brand of Reagan-conservatism is the right formula to beat Pres. Obama. He hopes to drive home this point in the Jan. 7 ABC News, Yahoo! News, WMUR GOP Presidential Debate held at the St. Anselm College.


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